You know about a week ago when I was running along the streets I encountered a fact! I figured out if we are obsessed and gripped in(?) an issue actually it’s not because we are passive ! it’s actually because of activeness , as an evidence I address the different feelings while running in this two way :
1- Run a reciprocal path (?)
2- Run from a specific start point(A) to an end point(B)
You would agree that in the first case you will feel bored and feel the time hangs heavy in your hands but the second case would be more bearable , so why ? what’s the reason ? I think in this case we are doing something in our mind that helps us to bear the absurd running. Before discussing about the brain’s procedures I should say that running is a very boring activity and can’t turn to a joyful one while applying the second approach! But the approach can reduce the boringness of it.
Let’s get to the point , what was brain internal procedure ?
I think while running from A to B we start to think about finishing the exercise . we mumble : just two streets are left , it’s one time ,etc. such works can obsess our mind and get us into the flow!(although running is such a boring activity that can’t be resolved by this method J ) .
I want to use the above result to express my own idea about how to arrive to the state of transition.
I think I should define a project that can absorb my mind. Not just a passive image like M.S or trash can in the street !
What to do? Can we have a mental activity like a physical activity? I don’t mean kind of activities like concentrating on a think or such this I mean an activity which while doing it there will be an output like displacing a stone in realty ! I mean by doing a part of it (or whole) there should be a result !
Some suggestions can be :
1- Filling an empty room with a cubes and count the aggregate number of them.
2- Solving a mathematical problem (multiplying, geometry ,…)
3- Having a race with light like Albert Einstein
4- Two parallel lines cross each other