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شعر ها و دل نوشته هایم

۸ مطلب در اکتبر ۲۰۱۶ ثبت شده است

You know about a week ago when I was running along the streets I encountered a fact! I figured out if we are obsessed and gripped in(?) an issue actually it’s not because we are passive ! it’s  actually because of activeness , as an evidence I address the different feelings while running in this two way :

1-     Run a reciprocal path (?)

2-     Run from a specific start point(A) to an end point(B)

You would agree that in the first case you will feel bored and feel the time hangs heavy in your hands but the second case would be more bearable , so why ? what’s the reason ? I think in this case we are doing something in our mind that helps us to bear the absurd running. Before discussing about the brain’s procedures I should say that running is a very boring activity and can’t turn to a joyful one while applying the second approach! But the approach can reduce the boringness of it.

Let’s get to the point , what was brain internal procedure ?

I think while running from A to B we start to think about finishing the exercise . we  mumble : just two streets are left , it’s one time ,etc. such works can obsess our mind and get us into the flow!(although running is such a boring activity that can’t be resolved by this method J ) .

I want to use the above result to express  my own idea about how to arrive to the state of transition.

I think I should define a project that can absorb my mind. Not just a passive image like M.S or trash can in the street !

What to do? Can we have a mental activity like a physical activity? I don’t mean kind of activities like concentrating on a think or such this I mean an activity which while doing it there will be an output like displacing  a stone in realty ! I mean by doing a part of it (or whole) there should be a result !

Some suggestions can be :

1-     Filling an empty room with a cubes and count the aggregate number of them.

2-     Solving a mathematical problem (multiplying, geometry ,…)

3-     Having a race with light like Albert Einstein

4-     Two parallel lines cross each other



۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 29 October 16 ، 13:56

You know sometimes especially when we are free of stress we start a kind of (strain:)) catharsis called "past digging " we start to look at the past in the vantage point and remember our past feelings.

I really don't understand why it is stimulating but I will mention some probable rationale that may help:

1) You are now in a good place and you look at the past and see your sufferings and intelligent deeds and it makes you feel good about yourself as an evidence I can address my internal communication’s stuff. In my brain I always go through the positive perspective if the past conversely the way I looked through the past in depression! In that time I just blamed myself and look at negative parts but now I'm proud I think I had spent my life in Gods way and I deserve this like my uncle! I look through my readings :"nausea, sophie’s world,...". My persistence 

in k1, Ali,... while during the defeat I always thought what a stupid man I wrote on whiteboard,...

2) In the second part I want to tell some examples and actions during this happy time:

2-1) Wanting to buy nausea 

2-2) Going through junior highschool stuff : pictures, Instagram, telegram,...

2-3) The pictorial stuff of past : +18,Eminem, that erection movie,girl with pearl earing ,....com,youtube,...

2-4)CD 's and lie to me, Potter,...

2-5)Google searches of past: mahnaz,...

2-6) Claudia pandeli, narges,...

3)In this part I want to graf the post to my love "M.S ".He was in this happy mood in highschool I think.

He always spoke about the junior highschool , the nostalgia of PlayStation, the walking with me, getting the university ceremony CD,...

I'm really jealous of his understanding about humanity! I think he was a genius!

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 21 October 16 ، 14:58

Look through the following  collocations:

“Tell whatever your tight heart wants” , “the flexibility of mehran modiri” , “resolving marriage problems”,” iraninan ambassador in Kuwait ” ,…

These issues has formed a new concept in my brain I call it “take it easy” ,I had wrote a post about it that was to some extent similar to this but I tend to write this post in order to develop a language learning method. I think if we dare to write or speak which are active skills of learning language we will be on the threshold of master it . As a rationale for my assertion I would address my pre-study for fall semester courses . I think more than getting  information  they  gave me courage to listen in the class and not give up.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 18 October 16 ، 11:55

While remembering for example "Woody Allen" what you do exactly? You will tacitly go to the stuff and memories that corresponds to it. For example I went to a Mehran modiri’s series called "in outskirt" that its intro music was made by Woody Allen. And also I imagined one my friends speaking to my mentor about one of his film called "whatever works!". Finally I remembered a sound like "woi " and immediately I remembered him. The interesting thing for me was that I was faded while thinking to this I don't know why exactly it absorbed me and I'm seeking for it because of this I have just posted in my fake Instagram profile a man who does remembering. Accidentally I remember my Mentor told me he uses "mirror " in his poems because he don't know it!

Anyway what do you think? what is the secret?

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 13 October 16 ، 00:00

Suppose you knew that before!

My allegation is if you believe that you know sth or think you will learn it certainly your concentration will increase and you'll sink in the stuff.

As instances I can address my personal experiences:

1)remembering a name-for example a teachers name- or sth like this, perhaps you've encountered that in your life.and you would confirm my allegation.it is really strange you sink completely and feel on edge!

2)prestudy : I myself had just experience that while doing that for structural analysis and fluid mechanics courses.it worked and as a result I haven't read a single word from my structural analysis pamphlet yet and confidently and happily hand in my assignments!

3)learning language : this case is virtually similar to the last case.

if you learn a lot of words-no matter to master them just 30 -40 percent of mastery is enough- you will get that sense and you will concentrate more on words and language structure.

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 10 October 16 ، 23:14

A camera and a flunky (footboy)

It worked virtually!

the main point was starting in front of the house and contact with myself.it was really challenging tour in the neighborhood! I should work on it! Good experience!

the best way to escape when you're stuck is to kick off your shoes😉

Take it easy and don't be presumptuous about the method! Know that you're an individual and you have to design your own dance and also remember that being so rigorous won't work!

۰ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 07 October 16 ، 16:59


God covers our sins, I haven't been understand it yet but I think I can feel it! I hope he keeps his decision on this issue!

۱ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 04 October 16 ، 21:13

Why I'm so stressed and intemperate? I thought I had resolved it but it hasn't fixed yet.

Maybe it has been internalized in my personality.but I had a pact: "think about the wrong or right but don't blame yourself". I told myself it has a way that I will find it! God! plz help me

۱ نظر موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 04 October 16 ، 21:12