You know sometimes especially when we are free of stress we start a kind of (strain:)) catharsis called "past digging " we start to look at the past in the vantage point and remember our past feelings.
I really don't understand why it is stimulating but I will mention some probable rationale that may help:
1) You are now in a good place and you look at the past and see your sufferings and intelligent deeds and it makes you feel good about yourself as an evidence I can address my internal communication’s stuff. In my brain I always go through the positive perspective if the past conversely the way I looked through the past in depression! In that time I just blamed myself and look at negative parts but now I'm proud I think I had spent my life in Gods way and I deserve this like my uncle! I look through my readings :"nausea, sophie’s world,...". My persistence
in k1, Ali,... while during the defeat I always thought what a stupid man I wrote on whiteboard,...
2) In the second part I want to tell some examples and actions during this happy time:
2-1) Wanting to buy nausea
2-2) Going through junior highschool stuff : pictures, Instagram, telegram,...
2-3) The pictorial stuff of past : +18,Eminem, that erection movie,girl with pearl earing ,,youtube,...
2-4)CD 's and lie to me, Potter,...
2-5)Google searches of past: mahnaz,...
2-6) Claudia pandeli, narges,...
3)In this part I want to graf the post to my love "M.S ".He was in this happy mood in highschool I think.
He always spoke about the junior highschool , the nostalgia of PlayStation, the walking with me, getting the university ceremony CD,...
I'm really jealous of his understanding about humanity! I think he was a genius!