Still in prison!
It’s an awful situation! I’m trapped and imprisoned by myself or I don’t know…!
I really don’t know what to do. I’m baffled! I’m extremely fucked up.
I have those fucking damn imaginations again I’m lost!
How to escape?
Thoughts thoughts thoughts … what does it do? How to get to action? And most important what action? The action I seek!
How to overcome the hurdles that are hurtling?
Suddenly I saw an advertisement which had this quote: “For being mature just don’t go out of oven”. It was somehow wise! But what’s the connection to my latter issue? Anyway am I angry? It crazy but yes! Just a few minutes ago I wanted to hit the wall J ! So should I dwell in anger against my ego?
Also I should be aware of making up!
I will take it for granted and won’t contemplate it.
There is a cold relation between me and Hafez! Maybe because I’m fake! Or because he doesn’t want to take me from hole to well. Anyway he is rogue!
So the upshot is to be determinant and earnest in the battle!