breake me!
Let’s go straight to the issue, I want to mention some points that recently have come to my mind:
1- We are capable of any thoughts! I mean a new thought can be embedded in us very easily my experience was the girl attention. Till recent weeks I didn’t care about that but now I’m thinking about it and it’s important for whether they care about it or not . But how did it happen? A probable answer is that in recent weeks I started to feel good about myself in case of looking .The TA speaking to me,… but suddenly I started to think reversely! Like when an artistic stuff is been created you suddenly start to think about the weak points and this is the process of evolution of art, maybe it’s not good in all perspectives and makes more complexity but….
2- Clever people don’t hit the books- A good friend is a person who breaks you and free you (I don’t know how it came to me) – My brother told me ‘Sheykh’,…