Just Do
“To go to sleep you have to pretend to be asleep until you really fall asleep”
What does it show? I think it can work for the transition method. First I want to proofread the word ‘pretend’ , I think it is unfit for(?) the sentence , It would be more convenient if we say you have to have a strong will for that. There is a question, why this strong will appears when we want to sleep and we simulate by closing eyes and not winking ?
A question that has obsessed my mind is why we fade during sleep? Is the state of transition the same? Is it the matter of will? I mean implicitly we don’t want to go to that state! As one of the integral belief of Gnostics: “what you seek is you!” I think this hypothesis is probably true!
As an instance I should mention my personal stastus(?) during the cluttering(?) adolescence specially in the forth grade of high school , I remember I had a sultry soul, hearing things, half-sleep during the Farasati(classic cinema) ,…